Casino Money Management

by admin

Craps Money Management Strategy. M oney management in the game of craps is not as simply as money management is in other casino games like blackjack and roulette. At we believe.

  • Learning the correct casino game strategies is only half the battle. You are doomed to lose if you are not prepared with a sound money management plan. The following guidelines will maximize your profits and minimize your chances of going broke. Don’t play with scared money. Set a maximum amount that you can afford Casino Money Management.
  • The player should decide on a maximum and a minimum amounts for bets. The player makes the smaller bet after a loss, and the larger one after a win. For example, you choose $5 as a minimum bet and $15.
  • Online Slots Money Management A big part of the thrill associated with playing at an online casino is of course the opportunity to win big. However, players need to keep in mind that there is also the.
I play craps on the wizard site..5 on pass line and 3x.4x.5x odds with come bets and odds on as many numbers as possible.
if i start at the 1000, when would it be wise to stop? 1300? and should I pull down all the odds to get to 1300 if that's possible.
I plan to use the suggested strategy on a real table. How much money should I have to play this way for an hour? I assume that 1000 might not be enough. should I quit when it drops to 500?.
Here is what I suggest: compartmentalize!
Play as much as you want with small amounts, and don't even worry about doing any odds at all. Just bet the passline, the come, the don't passline, and the don't come bets. You can bet on odds and lay odds too, but if you just want to have fun PLAYING the game, a minimum line or don't pass line is all that you HAVE to do, and enjoy throwing the dice and ordering drinks and having fun and all that crap.
When you're done PLAYING and HAVING FUN, reduce your total cost of playing by MINIMIZING your high dollar bets. You've just saved a ton of money PLAYING the game, now GO FOR IT!!!
If you want to triple your money, take the entire rest of your money and bet on the four or the ten.
If you want to double your money, bet half on the four and half on the ten. Or bet it all on the passline, don't passline, the come or the don't come. When you bet it all, no matter where you bet it, figure out how much you win on the first hit and decide ahead of time to yell 'EVERYTHING DOWN' and then WALK.
Winning and playing are two different things. For a given bet level, the chance of winning dimishes with each bet that you take. So make bigger bets less often, and do it when you're done playing around and you just want to win or lose and get the heck out of there.
Just one way to do it!
A lot of people talk about 'free' bets like it makes them more likely to win. It doesn't. It just doesn't cost anything to gamble those bets once they have been offered to you.
If you really want that better edge for one bet (as if it matters for a single bet event), then make your last bet a line or come bet, and do 1/3rd to 1/10th of your total bet (depending on max odds) and put the rest on odds after that. The problem with that is that you're letting the casino decide how likely you're going to win that 'free' bet.
I like knowing what my chances of winning are. And if I bet $500 on the 4, I think I can handle paying $25 commission to go ahead and decide that instead of making a $50 come bet that travels to the 4 .. which by the way, has already lost $16.66 edge at that point anyway (compared to $25 commission).
The only way to get a so-called 'free' bet on the do side is to lose a portion of the line or come bet first. It's 33% on the 4/10, 20% of the 5/9, and 9.09% on the 6/8. So the house already has part of your money that is still showing on the felt giving you a sort of hope of having more money on the felt than you really have. IE: you have less than a 50/50 chance to win that money, but they only pay you even money! That's the edge I'm talking about. Most people don't decide in their mind that they lost 33%, 20%, or 9.09% when that chip moves or when the point is established, but you can count that money as gone.
That's the 'cost' of the free bet. You have to lose in order to take the bet.
I know this will probably start a huge war of people arguing, and I apologize.
If you want the best bet, take someone ELSE's odds bet (like a friend). That's a truly free bet!!!
Free bets are free in the same sense that a free buffet is free. Something to think about.

I play craps on the wizard site..

Too Bad.
Get WinCraps. It is free to have and play. For Windows only.
It also IMO has the best HELP section on Craps known to mankind.
The Wizard's Craps game is a very poor one and does not show what the game really is like in a real casino.
It offers a few wrong payoffs and defaults that can not be changed and are NOT Nevada defaults.
Use WinCraps if you are serious on learning and wanting to play Craps.
Quote: colfax

5 on pass line and 3x.4x.5x odds with come bets and odds on as many numbers as possible.
if i start at the 1000, when would it be wise to stop? 1300?

What do you mean by 'wise'.
Every one plays Craps for very different reasons except they ALL want to win every session they play.
Why stop at $1300?
You only have about a 31% chance (31 out of 100) of hitting a $300 profit or more.
I used 100 rolls for an hour length of play.
Also are you prepared to be in the 4.61% group (about 1 in 22 playing sessions on average)
that NEVER see a profit from your method of play??
meaning, you lose right from the start and NEVER (in 100 rolls) show a profit??
It is called being a loser, how big of one, that is left up to variance and how scared one plays.

and should I pull down all the odds to get to 1300 if that's possible.
I plan to use the suggested strategy on a real table.
How much money should I have to play this way for an hour?
I assume that 1000 might not be enough. should I quit when it drops to 500?.

Buy-in for what you are willing to lose.Usa
The larger the bankroll the lower the risk of busting but that may not be too much fun.Casino

Casino Money Management Strategy

Most play Craps to have FUN and most also want to win after having fun.
Sorry, less chances of that happening.
I have seem many QUIT playing the right way when a losing streak hits, to leave the table bitching and moaning,
only to see variance swing the other way and cause the rest of the right way players to win and kick some ass.
Practice more in WinCraps and you will see and get more answers for yourself.
Of course, WinCraps does not roll real dice, but you can, and enter them into the program.
Good Luck to you
winsome johnny (not Win some johnny)

You can get lucky, and you can develop your skills at every game on the floor, but if you aren’t managing your money properly, there’s a chance you’ll walk out of the casino with less than you started with.

Because you’re already in an environment where risk is part of the deal, money management takes shape in a different way in the casino. Learning how to best utilize your bankroll is what separates a sustainable gambling strategy from one that forces you to stay away from fun.

In this article, I’ll lay out what you need to know to effectively manage your money while gambling at a casino.

1 – Create a Bankroll Even If It’s Just for the Night

Ideally, if you gamble frequently you’d have a running bankroll. A bankroll, for those who don’t know, is a pool of money set aside specifically for the purpose of gambling.

A bankroll is important for several reasons. First, it helps you keep track of your money.

If your gambling money is in the same place as all your other money, it’s easy to lose track of what’s coming in and what’s going out.

The second reason a bankroll is important is because it provides guidelines for how much you should wager on one play. Most experts recommend only betting between 2% and 5% of your bankroll on one bet, but you can adjust your range to fit your needs.

I’ll lay out an example that you can put into practice next time you go into the casino: Start with an amount of money you can afford to lose – I’ll say $500. Next, create the percentage range. For this example I’ll say between 2% and 10%, meaning on any given play you’ll bet between $10 and $50. It can be tempting, but don’t go over that 10% number – it’ll help keep you in the game when you start losing.

It’s really that simple! A bankroll isn’t going to make you a huge winner, but it is going to help you avoid becoming a huge loser, which is always more than half the battle.

2 – Choose the Right Games

This one is directly about money management, but it will help you from suffering big losses that set you back.

When it comes to winning money at the casino – something few people are able to do consistently – it all starts with playing the right games. If you’re frequently betting your money on high-risk games, you risk losing it all before you have a chance to hit it big.

While there are several viable options out there, I’ll keep it simple by recommending two of the games with the lowest barrier to entry (easy to learn), lowest house edge, and best return to players. These two are roulette and blackjack. These two casino classics don’t require complicated strategies to be successful. Instead, discipline becomes much more of a priority.

Gambling Money Management

Understand that just because you have a near 50% of winning each time doesn’t mean that it will shake out that way. However, if you can learn the right times to take on a little extra risk, and the right time to pull back, you can make a nice profit without putting your bankroll in jeopardy.

This also seems like an appropriate time to remind you that you should be extremely wary of playing any game you don’t know. If there’s a particular game that piques your interest, try to find a free version online, and play it until you fully understand the rules.

3 – Slow Down


If you’re someone who frequents the slot machine, this piece of advice is especially important for you.

When you’re spending a good deal of time in the casino, it’s crucial to slow down your pace of play. Not only will it slow your rate of losing, but it will also give you some time to reassess your financial situation. On top of those two very important things, the longer you play, the better chance you have of getting comps from the house.

It might seem like slowing down won’t have any noticeable impact on your bottom line, and sometimes, it won’t! With that being said, there simply just isn’t a good argument against a slower pace of play.

Casinos are generally fun places to hang out. I’ll spare you the commentary on the people-watching, but suffice it to say that it can be worth the price of admission just to take a walk around the gaming floor. Remember, each minute you spend away from gambling is a minute you aren’t losing any money. If you’re lucky enough to have gotten out to a fast start, this can help you stretch your winnings further.

Now back to the comp aspect of the slower pace of play. Casinos reward players for sticking around. They know that the longer most folks play, the more they’re likely to lose. In that sense, it’s just good business to offer you, the player, some freebies to encourage you to stick around.

It might seem like a devious plan by the house, but if you’re smart and use these benefits to your advantage, it can work out in your favor. Players can earn comps in several ways, but one of the most common is simply by casino staff observing the total time you’re gambling.

When you look at the math, the longer you play = the more comps you’ll receive, and the fewer hands you play = the less money you’ll lose, the answer is simple. A slower pace of play is an easy way to practice good casino money management.

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4 – Consume Minimal Alcohol

What this should really is, “Don’t drink at all if you want to give yourself the best opportunity to win money.” Fortunately, I’m going to take a realistic approach. A high percentage of players, especially those who are treating their casino trip as a vacation, are just simply going to have drinks while they play. The key is to avoid crossing over into the place where your decisions are being influenced.

Casino Money Management

I hate to sound like no-fun guy, but even just a couple of drinks is enough to seriously impact your decision-making ability. Keep in mind that it only takes one bad bet to seriously derail your entire night…or worse.

If you’re one of the types who has trouble drinking in small amounts (no judgment here), it might be best to wait until you’re finished playing to imbibe.

Let’s be honest, gambling is enough of a thrill in and of itself. Is it really worth the risk to jeopardize your winnings by becoming intoxicated? This is one lesson you don’t want to learn the hard way.

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5 – Know When to Call It

We all want the big win. It’s human nature to continue to want to grow your winnings once you’re on a hot streak, but it’s almost never a good idea.

Winning money gambling is undeniably great. You get to have fun, and win money? Sign me up!

If you find yourself fortunate enough to be up a good amount from what you started out with, consider following the old adage of, “Quit while you’re ahead.”

The next time you’re winning and want to walk away but your friends are begging you to keep playing, ask yourself if they’re winning or losing. Chances are, it’ll be the latter.

I get it – it is tough feeling like you’re cutting your hot streak short. If it’s any consolation, remind yourself that you’ll be working out of here with more money than you started with, and you had fun doing it. That’s what winning is all about.

Casino Play For Real Money


Money management is at the core of any good casino player’s strategy. The discipline it takes to keep yourself from getting greedy can be painful, but this is one of the few times I can guarantee it will always be worth it.

The next time you visit the casino, keep these tips in mind and see if it helps you put any extra money back in your pocket.

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