Sic Bo Betting Strategy

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  1. Sic Bo Betting Strategy Tactics
  2. Sic Bo Free
  3. Sic Bo Betting Strategy Odds
  4. Sic Bo Betting Strategy Games

Sic Bo is an ancient Chinese game that is played with three dice. You will find Sic Bo in land-based and online casinos all over the world. Blackjack Strategy Chart Multi-Hand Blackjack Roulette How to Play Roulette Roulette Strategy Roulette Bets Roulette Odds American vs. European Roulette Live Casino. Best Long Term Sic Bo Strategy Over the long term your best bet is to go with the betting options that have the lowest house edge. While these might not have the highest pay offs on the table over the long term they will keep the casinos edge low. The best bets are either Big or Small, both of which have a house edge of 2.78%.

Sic Bo, (originally pronounced “SEE-BO”) is an ancient Chinese dice game that’s played on a large table. Sic bo has grown in popularity over the years and has recently gained notoriety in one of the largest casino markets in the world, Macau. If you want to know step-by-step how to play Sic Bo, here you'll find a Sic Bo player's guide by BetandSkill.


Sic Bo is a simple dice game based on chance. The player simply places a bet (or multiple bets) on the Sic Bo table, waits for the dice to be rolled and then collects possible winnings.
Sic bo betting strategySic bo revolves around a table that lists a variety of dice combinations that players are able to bet on.
Each combination has a certain chance of being rolled, and players must use this knowledge to help make educated decisions when placing their wagers.

The Objects of the Game

The table: the Sic Bo board features variety of dice combinations that player can bet on. Every possibile bet is illustrated along with their associated payout odds, making it easy for new players to quickly pick up the game.
The dice: the game is played with three dice and an electronic shaker. Players bet on the outcome of each roll.
The digital Board: this board displays the outcomes of recent round of play.
The dealers: each table has two dealers who exchange chips and monitor the bets.


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The game follows these steps.
  • Step 1 : check the betting limits for the table
  • Step 2 : Buy chips placing your money on the table
  • Step 3 : Place a bet or bets
  • Step 4 : Wait for the dice to be rolled and displayed
  • Step 5 : Collect any winnings. The dealers then clear the bets that don’t match and pay the ones that do. The whole process then starts all over again.


The great thing about online Sic Bo is the wide variety of different bets you can make.
The easiest bet on the Sic Bo board is the bet on the three dice total. This ranges from 4 to 17 (3 and 18 are covered by Triple 1 and Triple 6)
Some of possible online Sic Bo bets are:
Single Number Bets: The first row from the bottom shows the single number bets. The Single bet is a bet that a specific number will show on any of the three dice. If the number chosen turns up on one dice, you get paid 1 to 1 (1 unit won per unit staked). If it turns up on two dice, you get paid 2 to 1 and if it comes in on all three you get paid 12 to 1.
Two Numbers Combination Bets: The second row from the bottom has the two numbers combination bet. You bet on the chance of two specific numbers appearing among the three dice. You can bet on any double from 1 to 6 and the payout is 10 to 1 (ie you win 10 units for every 1 unit staked, giving a return of 11 units).

Sic Bo Betting Strategy Tactics

Specific Triple: You can bet on a specific triple such as, for example, triple 4s. You win the bet if all three dice come up showing 4. You can bet on any specific triple from 1 to 6 and get paid at 180 to 1 (but the real odds are 216 to 1), and also bet that any triple (ie non-specific) will occur. The payout on any triple is 30 to 1.
Total: You win if the sum of the three dice adds up to the specific total score that you bet on. If you bet on
Total 12, you will win with 3-4-5, with 2-4-6, with 4-4-4, with 2-5-5, or with any other combination that adds up to 12. The payouts on each of these bets differs, based on the probability of each score occurring.
Sic Bo Betting Strategy
450 to 1
530 to 1
618 to 1
712 to 1
88 to 1
96 to 1
106 to 1
116 to 1
126 to 1
138 to 1
1412 to 1
1518 to 1
1630 to 1
1750 to 1

Big and Small BetsBetting: Player can bet that the total sum of the next dice roll will be between 4 and 10 (small bet) or 11 and 17 (big bet). The payout on Big and Small is 1 to 1 i.e. it's an evens chance bet, like Red / Black in Roulette, making these bets the basis of our Lower risk Sic Bo strategy.Sic bo betting strategy strategies

Sic Bo Odds

The odds of winning are based on the mathematical probability of rolling certain dice combinations. There is no way to predict the outcome of the roll of the dice. Even when you bet on outcomes with better payout odds, there’s no guarantee that the dice will roll in your favour.


Sic bo is a game of chance, but betting on the small, big, even, or odd bets gives you the highest probability of winning and therefore are the safest bets when playing sic bo.

Sic Bo Free

Low-risk Sic Bo strategy

Small and Big
The Small and Big bets are the closest to Evens chances in Sic Bo.

Sic Bo Betting Strategy Odds

The Combination bet (any two specific numbers) also has a very low house edge (2.77%) but is often overlooked when looking for a strategy to beat Sic Bo.

Medium-risk Sic Bo strategy

Place multiple bets on two options:
Option 1: 3 units on 9 and 2 units on double 1, 5, and 6.
This is a total bet of 9 units, with a possible return of 24 units if 9 wins or 24 units if a double wins.
Option 2: 3 units on 12 and 2 units on double 1, 2 and 6.
This is a total bet of 9 units, with a possible return of 24 units if 12 wins or 24 units if a double wins.

Higher-risk Sic Bo strategy

The high roller Sic Bo strategy aims to win multiple bets on one spin of the dice.

Betting on 8:
Place 3 units on 8 and 2 units on Double 1, 2, and 3. Also place a 2 unit bet on a Combination of 3 and 2, to cover the dice being 3, 3 and 2.
This is a total bet of 11 units, with a possible return of 27 units if 8 wins, plus 22 units if a double wins, plus 12 if the Combination wins.
Betting on 13: Place 3 units on 13 and 2 units on Double 4, 5, and 6. Also place a 2 unit bet on a Combination of 4 and 5, to cover the dice being 4, 4 and 5.
This is a total bet of 11 units, with a possible return of 27 units if 13 wins, plus 22 units if a double wins, plus 12 if the Combination wins.


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Live Sic-Bo is one of those casino games that had a quick rise in popularity. This east-Asian game now dominates the western world, probably because it is one of the rare casino dice games and it’s much simpler than craps. Besides that, this game can be played by applying different betting strategies, which makes it more fun.

The Best Long-Term Strategy is Even-Money Bets

The Sic-Bo house edge varies from 2.78% to 30% and a wide range of bets is included. If your goal is to come out with a healthy bankroll and a couple of bucks more when you leave the live Sic-Bo table, stick with the easiest even-money bets. The probability of winning the even-money bets is almost 50% (minus the house edge).

Find a Live Casino Table with the Best Sic-Bo Odds

Different live dealer casinos may have different payouts for their live Sic-Bo game. This is why you should look for the best payout odds before sticking with the first casino you find. For example, the biggest payout in Sic-Bo can be 180 to 1 at one live casino, but other casinos may offer it at odds of 150 to 1. This is a very big difference and can mean a much smaller payout. It’s not something to neglect. Luckily, the smaller bets, like the total bet or specific double bet vary just a little; for example, the specific double in the best case may be 62 to 1, but at worst only 60 to 1. Nevertheless, it still means less money.

Sic Bo Betting Strategy Games

Careful with the Totals Bets

Sic Bo Betting Strategy

The odds are not the same for all totals bets. For example, the bets placed on totals from 8 to 13 have a house edge of 12.50%, but the bets placed on totals from 7 to 14 have a house edge of 9.70%. So, what is the logical step here? It’s betting on totals from 7 to 14 of course. That will be your smartest strategy when playing live Sic-Bo.

Betting Systems in Live Sic-Bo Don’t Work

Betting systems have never worked and never will, because if they had been working, everyone would be rich and casinos would go bankrupt. This is not just the case with live Sic-Bo, but with other casino games too. They cannot guarantee you profit, but they guarantee one thing: that they are mostly useless. Use your intuition and your head instead.

How About Mixing Up the Bets?

Even though it is a game of pure chance, strategic bets in Sic-Bo are possible. Betting on Big or Small bets or other bets that pay 1 to 1 is the safest way of playing, but it might get boring and you might not walkout with a nifty amount in your pockets. If you want to win extra money try to make several bets where not only even-money bets are included, but those that pay more. This way you can cover your potential loss from the riskier bets with the safer even-money bets.

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