What Does A Roulette Table Look Like

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First time roulette players oftentimes assume that the numbers on the roulette wheel simply go in sequence from 0 to 36. In fact, the numbers are aligned in a seemingly random order around the wheel, and the sequence is different depending on whether you are playing European or American Roulette.

American Roulette Wheel
The American roulette wheel has all of the numbers from 1 to 36, plus a 0 and a 00 square, for a total of 38 possible numbers. The numbers are purposefully arranged in a non-sequential order. Originally this was done to avoid cheating on early roulette wheels (old fashioned roulette wheels often had a bias to one side of the wheel or the other, which would have made it easier to win if the player knew which set of numbers won more often).

Available as both mainstream and VIP tables, Auto Roulette features fast-paced, real live-wheel action with a high quality look-and-feel. In Auto Roulette, there’s no live dealer. Instead the live game is powered by an advanced, fully automated, precision Roulette wheel capable of 60 to 80 games per hour, 24 hours a day. Who knows what the share of roulette in the casinos of the futire will look like, but with all of these new variants it is probably going to keep heading up. Prototypes are being developed that are making mobile roulette look like child’s play with virtual reality technology getting in on the act. I'd like to know directly from the most hardcore players (YOU) what would you like to see on a roulette table, billboard or billboard app. I'm thinking mainly about what information would you like to see and how would you like that info to be presented.

Today, the placement of the numbers on the roulette wheel does not make a big difference in American roulette (roulette wheels are much more precise and a “biased” wheel is very rare in modern casinos). The order of the numbers going clockwise are as follows:

0, 28, 9, 26, 30, 11, 7, 20, 32, 17, 5, 22, 34, 15, 3, 24, 36, 13, 1, 00, 27, 10, 25, 29, 12, 8, 19, 31, 18, 6, 21, 33, 16, 4, 23, 35, 14, 2

How to beat a roulette table

European Roulette Wheel

Much like the American roulette wheel, the numbers on the European version are also ordered in a seemingly random sequence, but the order is completely different than the American Roulette version. The sequence of numbers on the European Roulette wheel are as follows:

0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25, 17, 34, 6, 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20, 14, 31, 9, 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26

However, unlike the American version, in European roulette the order of the numbers is important when it comes to betting. On the European roulette table, you will notice there is an extra section that is not on the American roulette table at all. It looks like this:


This section of the European roulette table offers a number of extra bets based on where the numbers are located on the European roulette wheel. The extra available bets are:

  • Neighbor Bets: A neighbor bet is a wager placed on any number on the oval portion of the table shown above. This bet places a straight bet on the number selected, plus 2 numbers to the left and two numbers to the right as they are arranged on the European roulette wheel. For example, placing a neighbor bet on “0” would place a straight bet on 0, 3, 15, 26, and 32. If you look at the diagram of the European Roulette wheel above, you will see that the numbers 3, 15, 26, and 32 all surround the number 0 on the wheel.
  • Voisins du Zero: This bet is a wager on 0, on the 9 numbers to the left of 0, and on the 7 numbers to the right of 0 as they arranged on the European roulette wheel. Bets are split between numbers that are next to each other on the rectangular table. 2 chips are placed on the 0, 2, 3 trio; 1 chip is placed on the 4-7 split; 1 chip is placed on the 12-15 split; 1 chip is placed on the 18-21 split; 1 chip is placed on the 19-22 split; 1 chip is placed on the 32-35 split; and 2 chips are placed on the corner of 25/26/28/29.
  • Tiers du Cylinre: This bet is a wager on numbers that make up one third of the European roulette wheel (33, 16, 24, 5, 10, 23, 8, 30, 11, 36, 13, and 27). All of the bets are split between numbers that are next to each other on the rectangular section table.
  • Orphans: This bet is a wager on the numbers 1, 6, 9, 14, 17, 20, 31, and 34. Bets are split between numbers that are next to one another on the rectangular table. The number 1 has a straight bet placed on it and the number 17 has two split bets placed on it; one with number 14 and another with number 20.
What Does A Roulette Table Look Like

All of the above European roulette bets still pay out the same odds as any other bet in roulette. Making one of these bets is simply a way of placing a series of bets on a specific section of the wheel without having to do all of them individually.

If you want to learn more about how to play and win at roulette, check out the roulette strategy guide, or some of our other roulette articles: the difference between American and European Roulette, how to make roulette bets, all about roulette odds, the roulette glossary.

Jeff White

Jeff has been an active gambler from the age of 18 when he won a small local poker tournament in San Jose, CA. He moved on to playing other casino games shortly thereafter, with a great interest in the statistics and mathematics involved. He has studied the historical gambling systems of nearly every popular casino game played today, and has written strategy books for several of them including blackjack, slot machines, craps, and roulette. Jeff has been a daily contributor to the Silver Oak Casino blog since the beginning of 2009.

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Roulette, that game that was born following the search for a perpetual motion machine – is a game steeped in history and pedigree, seen by many as the most regal of the table games. Now, in a world where increasing numbers of new and established players are moving their gaming from land based casinos to online- and beyond, what does this beloved table game’s future look like? The basic answer to the question “What Makes Roulette So Popular?” isn’t likely to change anytime soon, but how we play the game is evolving all of the time.

In the past live online roulette or roulette that you can play on your mobile phone sounded outlandish but now there are some seriously crazy options for where this game is going next- let’s get intergalactic, who knows the sky’s literally the limit!

Live gaming is growing exponentially with digital platforms dedicated to gaming including Twitch reporting that 45 million individuals are participating or watching live games a month! And these games where you can be involved in a live wheel in land based casino while sitting on your sofa in your pyjamas are just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows what the share of roulette in the casinos of the futire will look like, but with all of these new variants it is probably going to keep heading up.


Prototypes are being developed that are making mobile roulette look like child’s play with virtual reality technology getting in on the act.

Virtual Reality is Going to Get Bigger

How To Read A Roulette Table

The well-known company Microgaming have launched their own prototype with Virtual Reality (VR) Roulette. In this game you simply don a headset and find yourself in space with a robot croupier doling out the chips and spinning the wheel!

Advances like this have grown out of the explosion of mobile phone technology and the growth in consumer demand to create increasingly immersive “gamification” experiences, in the convenience of your own home, without popping on your dinner jacket or best dress. This ease of play has meant more accessible gaming to those who wish to dabble or a more convenient way to play for pros.

Android Spinners

In New York, USA, a casino has embraced the future by introducing an android as a croupier which has helped the land-based casino to circumvent gambling regulations and set a crazy precedent too. The croupier was described in local media as “a chesty cyber-woman” who set the ball spinning on an electronic play wheel. The stuff of imagination is coming to fruition with these extraordinary advances.

And of course there’s the goofy changes to roulette too, like the birth of the hilariously fun human roulette game. Here, a daring participant lies or sits on a rotating disc which is moving around an inflatable wheel- the winner is the person who guesses the number where the wheel rider will fall off! Now I’ve seen it all!

Roulette Rides

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If you ever find yourself in Tipton, Pennsylvania, make a bee line for DelGrosso’s Amusement Park where you can literally get involved in roulette in a whole new way! Here there’s a ride called Casino where the participants are seated in the pockets of a roulette wheel as the whole roulette wheel spins at breakneck speed. Now that’s one way to get in touch with your roulette strategy!

What Does A Roulette Table Look Like

With these innovations and progresses in gaming, the future of roulette is looking so bright, the direction that the game goes next is impossible to guess. The massive leaps in technology and innovation, a growing appetite, and serious competition in the global market can only mean an exciting ride into the future – one that is easy to get on board with. Just be careful next time you go to a game park!

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